Bicycling, Running and Swimming...

It's really nice to be back at work. I know, I know. Most people don't say that. And then I think, I wish everyone was a fortunate as I am. Not only to have been able to take substantial amount of time off work to fulfill a lifelong goal of bicycling across the country, but to love what I do professionally

And, it was a risk leaving my business for 4 months, but it was worth the risk. And, work is coming my way. Good work! Fun work. Meaningful work. To read more about what I do, you can view my school health blog here. I haven't been able to put 5-6 hours of exercise in a day anymore (sadly), but I still exercise regularly and even have two events coming up that I'm excited for. I'm running in a 5K (nice and short!) Mayor's run called "Healthy Planet Healthy You" in January since I'll be in Palm Springs CA for 2 weeks for work. I also plan on being the swimming 'leg' of the Lakewood Valley Triathlon happening in Owensboro in June. I met Danielle (the cycling 'leg) through Warm Showers while on my bicycle trip across the US. It's fun to engage in all different physical activities for me- cycling, running and the sport I'm actually most skillful in, swimming! The team triathlon idea is exciting to me and it will keep me accountable through the winter.

My brain has adjusted back to work easily (too easily!) and having good work come my way has been exciting and fun. However, I did spend quite a bit of time on the airplane yesterday, daydreaming about my next bike tour. When and where and for how long...