Thanks to Jinny for bringing me to Marshfield, back on the Trans-Am route yesterday morning! The Ozarks are just gorgeous. I had a warm, humid day riding... but it was a blast. Up and down, up and down. I have finally forgiven my mom and dad for moving us from Duncan Road to Wyneding Hill Road when I was 8. Growing up with hills of Gardner Street, Wyneding Hill and our driveway prepared me for the Ozarks!
Cow on left definitely won King of the Hill.
I'll take more photos today of this area, didn't really stop much yesterday to take photos. Although, I do love seeing the cows in the water. It makes me giggle every time I pass them cooling themselves off.
I got into Houston after 65 miles around 3:30pm, about 30 minutes before the severe thunderstorms hit. I arrived at my friend Katherine's friends home, Joanne and Bill. They welcomed me in and showed me their place. Joanne made me a to-go dinner, fresh ham and cheese sandwich, grapes and cherries, chips and cookies! They brought me over to Katherine's grandmother's home, which they had unlocked for me and turned the AC on that day, since nobody is living in the house anymore. When I got into the house, it was thunder storming and it was a home I was completely unfamiliar with. A little furniture here and there since nobody is living there, but with the storms and being alone it was a bit eerie. I showered and within an hour, the storm stopped. Katherine's cousin Jamie called and he came over with some local brews from Piney River Brewing Company. The Float Trip Ale was my favorite. Thanks to Jamie for coming over, welcoming me to Houston, enjoying a beer with me and making me feel a bit more settled in the house before I went to bed! Wasn't as eerie after he left. I fell fast asleep by 9:30. I'm currently having breakfast and looking forward to a shorter day of about 40 miles to Alley Spring near Eminence MO. In Alley Spring, I'm meeting up with Maria, a friend of my mom's from a recent trip internationally. Maria and her husband live in Saint Genevieve MO, but she loves to float rivers (on canoe). So, she and I are camping tonight up the Current River and floating it tomorrow!
I went back and forth in my head about missing miles in MO to do the float trip. It actually has nothing to do with feeling like it's 'cheating'. It has more to do with missing a beautiful part of the country on bike. But, I had to give up about 100 miles of MO cycling in order to do this float trip. I'll see most of it via car with her on the way to their home, but I figured the experience with a local person will be far worth the missing miles! It's my trip... I make the rules!
Katherine's grandmother's home.
Joanne and Bill's home in Houston, Texas County Missouri... how's that for confusing?